Ready Player Two Spoilers

There is no plot synopsis available but the first book took place in.
Ready player two spoilers. Ready player one was a bestselling novel and even reached the dizzying highs of being adapted into a movie by steven spielberg that s impressive for a book with a solid structure find the three. Ernest cline s nostalgia fueled sci fi novel ready player one was a hit in 2011 and adapted into a movie by steven spielberg in 2018. Now there s a sequel ready player two releasing. Ready player two short review spoilers.
Despite of the fact that it has not released yet it has 35 reviews. On october 9 2020 cline officially began his virtual book tour for new york comic con 2020 by speaking with wil wheaton who will reprise his role as the audio book. The much anticipated sequel to ernest cline s bestseller ready player one ready player two explores what happens to wade watts and company directly after winning full control of the oasis. Aech is tired of living in his shadow and goes off to seek her own fortunes.
So ernest cline is probably finishing up the book. After nearly a decade ernest cline is getting ready to publish a sequel to his debut novel ready player one aptly named ready player two the new book picks up shortly after wade watts wins control of the oasis after completing james halliday s complex scavenger hunt of pop culture nostalgia if cline gets his way however that won t be the end of the story. Breaks the internet wade s oasis is under attack by the evil tubeyou gamer dewpiedee who has given it a bad review. Wade must create his own tubeyou account under a fake name and accidentally goes viral which he then uses to go to a tubeyou conference to challenge dewpiedee with unexpected results.
Ready player two is a science fiction novel by american author ernest cline written in 2020. The novel ready player two will release on november 24 2020. Cline attributes further developments to the critical and financial success of the film adaptation of the first. I liked the first book because of the world building.
This was my spoiler alert and now we will be returning you to our regularly scheduled programming. News broke on wednesday that ready player two cline s sequel to his 2011 sci fi novel will be released on november 24 2020. Alright so first of i want to say that i was extremely skeptical when it came to a sequel to ready player one.